

As with all new ventures, it is crucial that this project produce a return on investment for all involved in order for the project to have the sustained impact we seek to have on the world.  However, our primary ROI for this project will be spiritual.  Our first measure of success will be the unleashing of God’s calling and the successful manifestation of His will in the lives of more individuals, households, and communities.  

However, there will also be financial fruits and wealth that is created from this fundamental shift.  We will steward gains for the Lord and His Kingdom in three ways: 

1.     To feed, nourish, and sustain the talent and their families (laborers in the vineyard) who work together to create and steward.   

2.     Provide sustainable income to households, ministries, and churches.

3.     To re-invest profits back into new ventures, new resources to help additional entrepreneurs, new technologies, new formats, new media, and new markets to grow this ministry.

Who SHould Invest

Believers who feel called to invest in a platform that helps to unleash God’s calling in the lives of entrepreneurs, their families, and communities.  While there is a charitable giving component, the ideal fit for this project would be an individual investor, family/household of investors, church, foundation, professional investor(s), or strategic partner firm with a vested interest in helping faith-based entrepreneurial ecosystem grow and thrive in Tarrant County and globally.  

Pathways to Investment

We hope to provide a range of pathways to investment that will allow a range of investors to take part in this epic venture for the Lord.  In doing so, we hope to accomplish three important goals for our fundraising team: 

1.     Tap into the wealth of nations for the Kingdom

2.     Provide sound Kingdom-impact investment opportunities for Believers and their Households

3.     Provide avenues for investors, churches, and businesses to choose Kingdom-impact investment strategies for the long-term.


Ready to invest?

Click to to quickly and easily invest today!


Donate to Support Our Mission

We invite you to donate and help make this vision a reality. We are seeking to crowd fund this vision and we would like you to join us to create this community.  Thank you for your support!  


If you are an individual and want to support our mission, we invite you to become an individual supporter by signing up for recurring $10.00 per month donations. It is our goal to engage 1000 individual supporters in Tarrant County in the coming year. Your ongoing donations will allow us to fund our programs and make this vision a reality. We will also send regular updates and invitations to take part in new services, designed to empower and connect, as they roll out.

Individual Supporter
$10.00 every month
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If you own or operate an existing company and want to support our mission, we invite you to become a company affiliate of VBI by signing up for recurring 100.00 per month donations.  It is our goal to engage 100 company affiliates in Tarrant County in the coming year.  Your ongoing donations will allow us to fund programs and make this vision a reality.  We will send regular updates and invitations to take part in new services, designed to empower and connect, as they roll out.  This includes a password protected interactive platform and partnership opportunities.  

Company Affiliate
$100.00 every month
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If you feel called to support this vision, we invite you to make a donation of any size today.  All contributions are appreciated. We will seek to be good and worthy stewards of your gifts. 100% of your gifts will go toward fulfilling our purpose, mission and vision for the Kingdom.

One Time Donation
